Thursday, March 19, 2020

Free Essays on Machiavelli

Machiavelli and More are each often described as â€Å"humanists.† Does it seem reasonable to you to group them together as part of the same â€Å"movement† or intellectual trend? Explain why or why not. A most complete definition of humanism describes it as, â€Å"an intellectual movement that stressed enjoyment of all aspects of life, and especially of the ideas and values of pre-Christian civilizations, such as those of Greece and Rome; the interest in individualism, including stress on man as an end in himself, rather than as merely one cog in the vast machine of the Church.† Thus far in this course we have studied two Renaissance figures that are typically described as humanists: Niccolo Machiavelli via The Prince, and Sir Thomas More in Utopia. In The Prince, Machiavelli uses the major corpus of the work to convey his observations concerning principalities. In addition to analyzing the types of difficulties that a prince might encounter, he describes how a prince comes to power and retains his position. In More’s Utopia, we find a treatise on ethics and human nature along with, above all else, a condemnation of pride, disguised in the painting of the portrait of a perfect world. Most important to the ideals of humanism, we see through both works that Renaissance man has evolved greatly from how his Medieval counterpart was viewed as a miniscule, analogous piece of the all powerful church. It is the individualism of this new character on the world’s stage, the Renaissance man, which creates the perfect setting for a return to Roman-Athenian ideals such as self-interest, worldly possessions, and a much greater concern for life than the afterlife. By staunchly defending these ideals, Niccolo Machiavelli emerges as a true humanist, while in abhorring them Sir Thomas More appears only a social critic. In Book I of Utopia, More struggles with the question of how he, a good man by the moral standards of the day, can serv... Free Essays on Machiavelli Free Essays on Machiavelli Machiavelli and More are each often described as â€Å"humanists.† Does it seem reasonable to you to group them together as part of the same â€Å"movement† or intellectual trend? Explain why or why not. A most complete definition of humanism describes it as, â€Å"an intellectual movement that stressed enjoyment of all aspects of life, and especially of the ideas and values of pre-Christian civilizations, such as those of Greece and Rome; the interest in individualism, including stress on man as an end in himself, rather than as merely one cog in the vast machine of the Church.† Thus far in this course we have studied two Renaissance figures that are typically described as humanists: Niccolo Machiavelli via The Prince, and Sir Thomas More in Utopia. In The Prince, Machiavelli uses the major corpus of the work to convey his observations concerning principalities. In addition to analyzing the types of difficulties that a prince might encounter, he describes how a prince comes to power and retains his position. In More’s Utopia, we find a treatise on ethics and human nature along with, above all else, a condemnation of pride, disguised in the painting of the portrait of a perfect world. Most important to the ideals of humanism, we see through both works that Renaissance man has evolved greatly from how his Medieval counterpart was viewed as a miniscule, analogous piece of the all powerful church. It is the individualism of this new character on the world’s stage, the Renaissance man, which creates the perfect setting for a return to Roman-Athenian ideals such as self-interest, worldly possessions, and a much greater concern for life than the afterlife. By staunchly defending these ideals, Niccolo Machiavelli emerges as a true humanist, while in abhorring them Sir Thomas More appears only a social critic. In Book I of Utopia, More struggles with the question of how he, a good man by the moral standards of the day, can serv... Free Essays on Machiavelli Machiavelli "The best fortress a ruler can have is not to be hated by the people, for if you possess fortresses and the people hate you, having fortresses will not save you". I feel that Machiavelli’s intention was to let the ruler of Florence, Lorenzo de Medici know that he must change the way he is ruling Florence because, A prince must act with dictatorial power in order to maintain his position. Machiavelli believes that Lorenzo de Medici does not act with dictatorial power, but with greed which is considered a fault. Machiavelli states that a prince can share power with the people, since a prince can trust the people much more than he can trust the nobles. Nobles can not be satisfied if a ruler acts honorably but the people can be satisfied, because their aims are more honorable than the nobles. The people are not unforgiving and greedy so the prince can place more trust in the people. Since the public can be trusted, the prince can empower the people. â€Å"A leader must seem firm and moral to the people, and show positive results from his leadership†. I agree with Machiavelli, people are the ones that you don’t have to worry about, because they have nothing and giving them authority will make them feel important. By the people feeling the way they do, the ruler will be supported. This is what Lorenzo de Medici should do. This compellation was meant to help him, not hurt him. I think that Lorenzo de Medici took this in a bad way. He probably felt that Machiavelli was telling him how to rule Florence, which would be considered an insult to his authority.... Free Essays on Machiavelli Machiavelli â€Å"It is better to be feared than loved† This is one of the most interesting topics that was brought up in the movie that I felt would be fun to write about. The different between being feared and loved is a very fine line sometimes, through the years many different leaders have bordered on the two in their leadership. Machiavelli obviously firmly believed that it was much better to be feared than loved, but as always there are two sides to every argument. I agree with Machiavelli in some ways because fear is a good way to rule people. If they fear you they will generally not bother you in any way in fear of you harming them or someone close to them. With his opinion on being loved, I believe he felt it made the ruler vulnerable; it made them look weak and easy to attack and overthrow. The problems that I see with Machiavelli’s point of view is that in order for you to be feared you have to set an example, and the problem with setting an example is you have to use someone as that example. I personally am not one who thinks you should have to hurt or kill a person in order for others to follow you. I could never go out and kill a bunch of people for the reason of setting an example to others. The other quote of Machiavelli’s quotes that I want to discuss is â€Å"the end justifies the means†. This is a very controversial quote that I feel can apply in some instances but is not appropriate in others. Take for instance the situation in providence with the mayor. Providence was in rough shape a few years ago but Mayor Cianci cleaned up the city and made it into the beautiful city that is today. But along the way of the reinvention of the city he had to do a few things that weren’t exactly 100% legal. Now I'm not exactly sure how much he did and to who he did it to, but it seems to me that in this case he really didn’t do anything that was that bad. Stealing a little money and shaking down a few people was r...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Nueva interpretación de las leyes de deportación en USA

Nueva interpretacià ³n de las leyes de deportacià ³n en USA Si usted o una persona querida est en riesgo de ser deportada puede que esta situacià ³n le cause gran inquietud e, incluso, dolor.   En este artà ­culo usted puede informarse de quià ©nes pueden ser deportados y tambià ©n de cules son los à ºltimos cambios de interpretacià ³n de las leyes   de deportacià ³n, cules son las protecciones para los migrantes, cules estn previstas pero todavà ­a no se aplican y cà ³mo luchar una deportacià ³n y, si finalmente tiene lugar, cules son las consecuencias.   Quà © inmigrantes pueden ser deportados La realidad es que puede ser deportada de los Estados Unidos cualquier persona extranjera que est como indocumentada o que es condenada por ciertos delitos o ha cometido ciertas violaciones migratorias.   Esto quiere decir que en determinadas circunstancias muy concretas incluso los residentes permanentes legales pueden ser deportados. Nueva interpretacià ³n de las leyes de deportacià ³n Despuà ©s de varios aà ±os consecutivos con nà ºmeros muy altos de migrantes deportados, el gobierno dio por cerrado el programa conocido como Comunidades Seguras y ha comenzado a aplicar un sistema de prioridades de deportacià ³n.   Esto hay que entenderlo de la siguiente manera: cualquier persona indocumentada o que cometa una violacià ³n migratoria o un delito que lleva aparejada una deportacià ³n puede ser deportada, pero no todos son prioridad.   Y el gobierno se va a centrar principalmente en esos casos que sà ­ lo son. Adems, se han aprobado una serie de medidas legales que protegen frente a la deportacià ³n a ciertas categorà ­as de indocumentados. Protecciones frente a la deportacià ³n   Destacan tres: En primer lugar, el programa de la Accià ³n Diferida, conocido por sus iniciales en inglà ©s como DACA. Beneficia a muchachos que llegaron a Estados Unidos siendo nià ±os y cumplen otros requisitos de estudios, rà ©cords, etc.   En segundo lugar, el programa de Parole in Place (PIP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) para indocumentados que son familiares de ciudadanos que sirven en el Ejà ©rcito. Y, finalmente, la igualdad migratoria que se concede a los matrimonios entre dos hombres o dos mujeres   como  la que se da a los de un hombre con una mujer. Esto es asà ­ por una decisià ³n de la Corte Suprema relativa al reconocimiento del matrimonio homosexual. Protecciones pendientes y que no estn en vigor por el momento El gobierno tiene previstas las siguientes protecciones para migrantes indocumentados: DACA extendido, para alcanzar a ms muchachos que el programa que ahora est vigente.Y DAPA, para los paps y mams de ciudadanos americanos. Por el momento estos dos programas no se pueden aplicar y estn pendientes de una resolucià ³n de las Cortes. Mientras se decide a su favor o en su contra los derechos de los padres de los ciudadanos americanos son limitados. Cà ³mo luchar contra un proceso de deportacià ³n Cuando se inicia un trmite de deportacià ³n es importante saber que hay caminos para intentar lucharlo. Y en estos momentos es fundamental considerar contratar a un abogado. Ya que aunque pueden resultar caros, lo cierto es que las estadà ­sticas son muy claras y muestran una gran diferencia de resultados cuando un inmigrante se presenta con abogado que ha estudiado bien el caso y lucha por salvarlo a cuando el migrante se representa por sà ­ mismo.  En estos casos el gobierno nunca paga por el abogado.   Relacionado con este asunto, recordar que no presentarse ante una Corte de inmigracià ³n cuando se tiene una cita puede tener consecuencias muy negativas. Incluso es posible acabar con una orden de deportacià ³n sin saberlo.   Si no es posible acudir el dà ­a y la hora que dice en la carta de citacià ³n, considerar cambiar antes la fecha. Incluso es posible cambiar el estado, si el migrante se ha mudado. Es muy importante entender que la deportacià ³n es un asunto grave y lo mejor es estar informado antes de tomar decisiones que pueden tener consecuencias dolorosas. Consecuencias de la deportacià ³n Si un inmigrante es deportado, hay un castigo y por un tiempo tiene que esperar fuera de Estados Unidos antes de volver a aplicar para poder ingresar de nuevo al paà ­s, aunque en circunstancias muy especiales se puede pedir solicitar un perdà ³n. Adems, es conveniente tener en cuenta que es muy arriesgado ingresar ilegalmente a Estados Unidos, si se ha sido previamente deportado, porque eso es un delito (felony) y tiene consecuencias muy serias.   Quà © hacer En casos de posible deportacià ³n es importante conocer las posibles opciones y asesorarse con un abogado competente que forme parte de Aila, que es la asociacià ³n de abogados de inmigracià ³n de Estados Unidos. Es muy importante evitar fraudes y no caer en las mentiras de personas inescrupulosas que a cambio de dinero prometen resultados que, simplemente, no son posibles segà ºn las leyes actuales.   Por à ºltimo, si se considera que este artà ­culo contiene informacià ³n relevante, por favor, compartir en las redes sociales. Si se desea recibir ms informacià ³n sobre visas, green cards, ciudadanà ­a y dems temas migratorios en Estados Unidos, por favor suscribirse a mi cuenta de Twitter, FB o a la newsletter semanal.   Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.